Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Excuse Me, Miss!

I’m gonna get to everyone’s comments and pages as soon as I get a chance. Funny how I get mad comments just when I was looking for new bloggers. Thanks for not making me do the work. LOL I know I’m tardy with today’s post, but I have a good reason/excuse: I had the headache from Hades last night. I know when it’s gonna happen. It’s usually when I don’t eat or don’t sleep, both of which happened Sunday night. Also, caffeine is a trigger, but I haven’t had any in a while, unless you count that one little bitty piece of brownie I had almost a week ago. Anyway, it wasn’t that bad to begin with. I was able to comment on some blogs, but then as I started to write mine, it felt like a small alien was trying to burrow his way out of my head. Sure, I could have taken some medicine, but I think I’m about 4.7 pills away from being an addict. I be popping allergy medicine like its pez. I had to pull myself back from that, because although I was getting the best sleep of my life, I’m not trying to get my Heath Ledger on. So, I take 1 instead of 2, and only when necessary. The point is I don’t like medicine. With my father’s DNA, I’m always scared of becoming dependent on drugs of any kind. I’ve always done my best not to pop pills, so instead of breaking open the Aleve bottle, I just went to sleep.

9 hours and a 35 minute shower later, I was good. Headache gone and going to work. If you called me last night, ummm my bad! I was knocked out and just didn’t hear the phone. It didn’t help that I may have left the cell in the bathroom either. Whatever, that’s my excuse, you either like it or you don’t. LOL

I have like 27 different topics to write about in my head, but since I’m at work right now, I’ll hold off. Who says, I have to post everyday? Oh that’s right, Jameil. LOL – Sorry, homey. Here are some random post ideas in my head. They may or may not see the light of day.

Sabre Tooth Tigers – when you are too old to be a cougar…

I Don’t Have A Clever Title Yet – about people that constantly complain about gas prices and drive Expeditions and people that complain about their mortgages but live waaaay out with the caucs when they know they can’t afford it.

CheckMate – A chess match between my brain and, well you know. I saw it on this British Tv Show called Coupling… hilarious and I’m a biter.

Twanophobia pt 2. – Although, I’ve already told a few people this story, so I may not write it.

Say You, Say Me – story about how I was supposed to sing this song in 7th grade chorus with my first girlfriend.

I got more, but I’ll stop there. I’m gonna go ahead and go to lunch and not eat. Check back tomorrow for a real post.
