Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Black Card

She asked me 'Is that a Black Card?' Why yes!/But I prefer the term African-American Express!

Kanye West "Milkshake Freestyle"

The following consists of jokes. If you are sensitive about race, you may wanna check back tomorrow. Either way, it's entertaining to me, so deal with it. LOL

I'm a real Black man, complete with an Arabic name (which means pillar of strength, BTW) a healthy distrust of mainstream society, and a strong dislike of the police. I like loud music with booming drums. I have big African lips and I beleive that Jesus was Black. Okay, I know none of those things make a person Black per se, but you get my point. No one will look at Rashan Jamal and wonder "is this guy Black?" I said all that to say this. Sometimes I think I'm the Whitest Black guy that I know. And I don't mean White like say... Tiger Woods. But for a guy that used to call himself Rashan X and scare White people with his pro Black stances and mean muggin, I sure like a lot of so called "White" things and dislike a lot of so called "Black" things. You may wanna pull my Black card after reading some of these.

I don't like gospel music. I know every Black person grew up in the church and loves gospel music. Well, not me. I grew up in the church, albeit a mostly White one, but I don't like gospel music. I think there's too much oversinging going on. I get that its the foundation of R&B music, I just don't like it.

I have never seen nor read "The Color Purple.' I know I said on my old blog that I had seen it, but that was a lie. I have never seen the whole thing. I only know the popular parts like "You told Harpo to beat me" Or "fixin' to shave Mister" and "you shole is ugly." I know take away my Black card for that, but I just can't seem to sit down and watch more than 20 minutes without getting annoyed.

I actually like Duke basketball. Even before the whole stripper rape thing, brothers always hated Duke. I always secretly liked there basketball team, even if half of the team is White. I just like their style of play. There I said it. Pull my Black card if you must.

I know all about NASCAR. I mean, I know more than just Dale Earnhardt Jr. I know pit strategy and drafting and all kinds of stuff the casual fan doesn't know about. I'm the only Black person I know that will watch an entire race.

I know I've said this one before, but my favorite TV show of all time is "Buffy The Vampire Slayer." This show didn't have a regular Black character until the 7th and final season (Unless you count the 2 episodes with Kendra the Vampire Slayer. Yeah, my favorite show is about a White teenager and I don't care who knows. It's a wonderful show. I can't ever seem to make any of my girlfriends understand the appeal of the show, try as I might. And yes, I have seen every episode and there is a possibility that I have Season 7 saved on my PC.

I will dumb out if I hear any of the British pop music from the 80's. I'm talking Tears for Fears, Duran Duran, Pet Shop Boys, you know groups like that. I guess because that's what was on MTV when I was a kid. I still love that music to this day.

The other day at work, this White co worker says to me..."I know you probably didn't watch "Friends" but you remind me of Chandler." Yeah, I watched "Friends" too.

I never really got the appeal of the Morning/Afternoon radio show. Tom Joyner, Steve Harvey, Michael Baisden (especially him) aren't entertaining to me. I know a lot of Black people that swear by these shows, but whenever I listen to them, I just don't get it.

My favorite Kool-Aid flavor is not Red... In fact that's my least favorite. My favorite is Blue Ice although I haven't had any in a couple of years.

I just aint sure about Barack Obama. Part of me feels like I should support him because he's Black, but the other part really just doesn't know what he stands for. It's like can he really represent Black people and be in charge of the country or will he have to sacrifice to appeal to a wider audience. I don't know. I guess he's good enough to make Oprah remember she's Black, he's good enough for me.

Okay, I'll stop at 10 things. Whaddya say? Wanna pull my Black card after reading this?