Sunday, December 9, 2007

I Gotta Get Up Out Of Here!!!

I'm starting to get that feeling. You know that one where you go from happy in your job, to complacent? That's where I am right now. I need to make some moves because this thing is getting ridiculous. I don't understand how some people ask you to take on extra responsibility then get mad when you do it. Feeling underappreciated is not good for me. It always causes me to not give a fuck and do some dumb stuff. The whole purpose of me doing this job was to take a break from being in charge and just collect a paycheck for awhile. Little did I know that regardless of my intentions, I would be right back in the same place, only this time not being compensated for it.

I guess I can tell you now what I alluded to awhile back. I found what I want to do for a career. I deliberately didn't talk about it, because I know how things happen to change plans and I didn't want to have people sending me good luck wishes and then I punk out. I kinda already did, but not altogether. I, Rashan Jamal, would like to change careers and go into the social work field. I did some research on some jobs in that field that I could get with my Bachelors degree but then decided that if I'm gonna do it, I might as well do it right. That's when I decided that I would go back to school and get my Master's degree. That's where the punking out came. I could have started in January but I didn't want to be broke and I refused to put myself back under the thumb of Sallie Mae and them and get more loans. So, I decided to just pay for it straight up and that led me to delay my matriculation til the next semester.

Now, I know. Anything worth doing is worth the sacrifice, but to quote my favorite profane and belligerant rapper, Willie D. from the Geto Boys: "I AINT WIT BEING BROKE!!!" That fear is sometimes a good thing, but other times an excuse. I promise this time it is not an excuse. Events from last year have really made me think about saving money, because you just never know. I never woulda thought I woulda been so broke last year that I would have to... well never mind. It's not important what I had to do, but it is important what I have to do. I gotta get my ish together and try to maintain this or another comparable job for another 6 months at least until I can get into my career of choice.

Some may ask, why I wanna do social work. It's the kids, man. Rashan love the kids. And it seems like every where you look people are mistreating and abusing the kids. I know it will be tough, but I;d like to feel that I could make a difference in the world at least to one person. Don't go wishing me luck, because I didnt really do anything yet. I'll keep you posted over the next 6 months and let you know what's up!