Thursday, April 12, 2007

Questions I Asked Myself

On my old blog, I used to ask myself a question before each post, but I haven't done that over here, so I got a bunch of questions built up. Time to let them out. Here are my extra random questions I asked myself over the last couple of weeks.

Why are so many black women dying their hair orange recently and why is it strangely attractive in a Ronald McDonald meets Gabrielle Union kinda way?

Have I ever seen a white person driving an Escalade? Do they really just make those for us?

How come its so funny to me when people I think are racist turn out to be racist? Yeah, I'm talking about Don Imus. I always thought there was something off about him.

Speaking of racism, I've been trying to write a piece called "Fun With Racism" but why can't I finish it?

Why did I miss the Nas concert last night, but I'm gonna catch De La Soul next Thursday?

How come every time I listen to the radio, I realize that Hip Hop is Dead?

Why have I been listening to the classic R&B station all the time, and realize that I should have been born a decade earlier?

Why do I cringe every time I hear someone say grown and sexy? We seriously need to ban that phrase.

Why do people who betray your trust not understand why you don't trust easily?

Why don't people believe me when I say I have social anxiety disorder? Perfect example, last night I didn't go to the grocery store because there were too many people there, so I rode 10 minutes out of my way to go to a less crowded store.

If I was a smart ass from the moment you met me, why would you expect me to be any different later?

Is she seriously still sending me MySpace friends requests? How many times do I have to deny you before you get the message?

Do they have rehab for sarcasm?

Would I get fired if I punched someone? Do you think I could claim self defense?

Why is it so hard not to say the first thing that pops in my mind? I'm doing a good job hiding my true thoughts, but every now and then I just wanna say "I ** o*** *u**i** **t* *** **t** I *** ** **a***r ***k "

How come every time I think about quitting smoking, Black and Mild comes out with a new flavor of cigar? The wine joints reeled me back in.

Why was it raining inside my car last week?

Why did I go to a strip club for the first time since I started my first blog and not write about it?

Why is there a Papa Smurf, but no Mama Smurf?

Someone told me I was vain b/c I posted all those pictures of myself. Is that true?

Why is understanding is a good thing when it comes to one person, but a fault when it comes to another?

Why is someone gonna think I'm biting her post, when she so obviously bit my style a long time ago? LOL

Why is this post getting extra long?

Although my mini OCD is telling me that I should come up with a few more so I can have 25 questions, I'm gonna fight it and stop here. Everyone have a great weekend, mine has already started.