Monday, March 17, 2008

Making The Blog Part 6

I posted part 5 on Saturday. Some of you read it, but if you haven't check it out before you read part 6. Here are the links:

Click Here For: Part One, Two, Three, Four, and Five...

We gonna do something a little different this time. The assignment that I give in this part??? I want my MTB bloggers to actually do it in real life. I'll use that post to decide who I'm gonna cut next. That's right, actually write the post that I suggest below. Then I'll read them all and decide who keeps going. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? LOL

When we last left Making The Blog, Jizzy was mad disappointed in his bloggers. Jameil and Diva were about to tell them why...

Resume Scene: Riding on the Marta train.

Jameil: All of you violated the most basic rule of blogging today.

Diva: Yeah, what you did wrong was...

The bloggers are anxiously awaiting the information with nervous looks on their faces. Jizzy steps up.

Rashan: Hold up... don't tell 'em yet. Make these bloggers sweat it out for a minute. Y'all made some money today, huh?

Bloggers nod their heads.

Rashan: Put it in this bag. All of it. Don't count it, just put it in the bag.

Stace: You gon' take our money?

Rashan: Damn right! Don't worry, I'm not gonna keep it. But for real, give it up!

They pass the bag around and everyone puts in their money...

Rashan: Okay, ladies. Tell 'em what they did wrong.

Jameil: For real this time? You not gonna interrupt us again.

Diva: I know, right? All this suspense. This ain't one of your epic 3 part posts. Let us get to the point.

Rashan: Man, What's up with all this backtalk? Don't you know who I'm is? I'm Jizzy!

Diva: I know this much...Jizzy betta calm down before he get jacked up.

Jizzy holds his hands up as if to say, "My Bad".

Jameil: The reason we are so disappointed is that you actually begged people to read your stuff. I can...not... I have no words for how annoying that is.

Diva: Same thing in the blog world. Don't go to people's blogs asking them to read your blog. If they wanna read, they will read.

Rashan: Tell 'em about the emails, son!

Diva: Son? You do realize I'm a woman, right? But yeah, don't be sending people emails asking why they haven't visited your blog. Maybe they have been busy. Maybe they read but didn't have anything constructive to add.

Jameil: Maybe your blog just sucks. Maybe its just so wack, that they never want to abuse their eyes reading such garbage again in their lives.

Rashan: WORD LIFE!!! I'll read when I get ready. And if you ask me to read, then I will not read just out of spite. Blogging is a community. If you comment on my page, eventually I'll comment on your page. But don't try to rush me. Jizzy works on his own time. Jizzy plays by his own rules. Jizzy likes to drink, Jizzy likes to smoke, Jizzy likes to mix Arm and Hammer with his coke...

Epsilonicus: Isn't that a Young Jeezy lyric?

Rashan: My bad, I just got carried away. Do you all get the point, though? DO NOT DO THAT EVER AGAIN!!!

Magnolia: Didn't you tell us to do that?

Rashan: You just gonna blindly do what I tell you to do? You should know by now that this is all a game. You gotta be up on game if you wanna make the blog.

Confessional Cam:
La: Dammit, I knew it. I hate when people do that sh*t to me. Jizzy complained about people that do that on one of my posts. I shoulda followed my instincts.

Desy: I can't believe this idiot. He clearly told us what to do, and now he's mad about it. At the end of the day, he should be mad at himself.

Resume Scene:

Rashan: And now just to teach you all a lesson, I'm taking your money and we gonna make it rain.

The Goddess: Great... Jizzy's going to another strip club. Why doesn't he just find a real girl to deal with.

The train comes to a stop and the Jizzy and his captains lead the bloggers up the escalators onto the streets of Downtown Atlanta. The bloggers follow as Jizzy pimpwalks down the street. Fat Joe's "Make It Rain" plays in the background.

Rashan: Y'all ready to make it rain? You wanna see how Jizzy does it.

Tom_Gurl: Not particularly... no!

Rashan: It's gonna be legendary! You gonna enjoy this.

Diva: Umm. Are you sure about this? A lot of these ladies don't wanna see this.

Rashan: It's necessary. They need to know what Jizzy is all about.

Jameil: It's pretty sleazy down here though.

Rashan: It's cool, ladies. They gonna enjoy watching me make it rain.

Dejanae - When we got to the door, I was like "what kind of bootleg strip club is this?" It just didn't look right.

Monie: I couldn't believe that Jizzy was taking us here. It's real disrespectful to subject us to that.

Resume Scene: Jizzy opens the door and...

Cannon: Sh*t, this ain't no f*cking t*ttie bar... I thought we was gonna see some naked h*es!

Resume Scene: The camera reveals that it is a homeless shelter. Women and children are sitting around on cots. Homeless people are in line for food. Crystal Water's "She's Homeless" plays in the background.

Rashan: You thought I was gonna take y'all to a strip club, right? Jizzy is full of surprises. I'm gonna take all that money you earned today and donate it to the homeless.

Jameil: Its all about giving back. That's what we do in my sorority...SIGMA GAMMA RHO!!!

Diva: We just wanted you all to know that Making the Blog isn't all bright lights and glamour. It gets serious sometimes too.

Rashan: We are gonna help out here today. In addition to donating this nice chunk of change, I want you all to volunteer in anyway that they can use us.

Pocahontaz: Aww, Jizzy has a heart. I had no idea.

X Factor: This was right up my alley. I love volunteering for a good cause. You guys should check out my cancer walk on May 3rd. WRITERS NOTE: This is not blog advertising because its for a good cause. Much Props, Monique!

Resume Scene: The camera shows the bloggers interacting with the homeless, serving food and playing with children...Montage Style. "That's What Friends Are For" plays over the scene. Several bloggers are tearing up, including Jizzy. They leave the homeless shelter getting hugs from the kids.

Jameil: You crying, son?

Rashan: Nah. I mean, Jizzy don't cry.

Diva: Yeah, he crying! It's okay, some dudes are just sensitive.

Rashan: Nah, I got homeless dirt in my eyes. I'm not affected by this. I'm from the mean streets of Savannah, GA! Ain't no tears in the C-Port City!

Rashan: I can't front. It was just beautiful seeing all of us come together to help out. It's rough seeing kids in that shelter. You know Jizzy loves the kids!

New Scene: Back at the house. The bloggers are hanging out in the living room, lounging, drinking and chatting. Enter Jizzy again with Jameil and Diva.

Rashan: I hope everybody got something out of todays activity. I wanted to let you know that its okay to have a heart in your blog. I mean, sometimes we get so caught up in being funny, that we forget to show real life in our blogs. I'm guilty of it myself. I'm so sarcastic that people don't get to see the side of me that takes things seriously.

The bloggers nod their heads in agreement.

Rashan: That being said, we still got work to do. This is about making the blog, and now I need to see what you got. Are you ready for your next assignment? Diva, Jameil... I need you guys to do this one too.

Diva: But we are the captains...we aren't supposed to be actually working.

Jameil: I already post everyday. What more do you want from me?

Rashan: Chill... just hear me out! Todays assignment is gonna be a tough one. It's so hard that I'm going to give you all until the end of the week to complete it. I call this one...Confessions!

Usher's "Confessions Pt 2" plays.

Confessional Cam:
Epsilonicus: Confessions? As soon as I heard that, I had a pretty good idea where Jizzy was going with this one.

WRITERS NOTE: This is the part that I want you all to do in real life. It's like a tag, but not really. Anybody else who is not part of Making The Blog that wants to do it should feel free too. This should be fun.

Resume Scene:
Rashan: That's right: Confessions. I want you all to write a blog post detailing something that no one but the closest people know about you. It can be in any form you want. You can tell about a time when you did something you weren't particularly proud of. You can write about a crime you committed, or just some secret that no one knows. You can be as vague or as descriptive as you choose, but I need to be able to understand not only what you did, but the impact your actions had. Any questions?

Stace: So, basically... you just want to be nosy.

Rashan: Well, that is part of it, but I think it really makes for compelling blogging when people reveal themselves. I would never ask you to use real names, although if you want to that's fine. I only ask that you not be too cryptic, and keep it real with the blog world.

La: What about you? You are asking us to bare our souls... will you do the same?

Rashan: Hey, now! I'm making this blog. I don't do homework. I never did it in school and I'm not about to start now.

Jameil: It's only right that you share with us too.

Bloggers all chant in unison: Do it, too! Do it, too!

Jizzy starts sweating and wipes his forehead with a white towel. The chanting continues...

Bloggers: Do it, too! Do it, too!

Rashan: Aiight, Aiight! I'm in. You'll get my confession later this week.

Diva: This should be good. You should tell that story you told me the other day.

Rashan: Nah, can't tell that one. But I'll come up with something. Remember, this assignment is due by Friday. If you don't do it, it's pretty much guaranteed that you will not be making the blog.

Rashan: What have I started here? This should be mad interesting. I can't wait to read what people come up with. I'm gonna get out of here and think about my confession. Until the next episode of Making The Blog, I wanna say: PEACE! AUDI 5000!

Closing Credits.