Friday, May 2, 2008

20 Ways To Ensure That Rashan Will Not Try To Holla

In No Particular Order... Explanations Provided Upon Request... Also these are just jokes, don't take them too seriously... or do. I'ont care. LOL

1. Wear a bad wig, bad weave, or don't do anything to your hair at all.
2. Not know the difference between the general and primary elections
3. Talk to me about your period in detail.
4. Fix your lips to tell me that Tupac is better than Biggie. (exemption granted for women from California, but only the Bay Area)
5. Agree with everything I say.
6. Have a cliche tattoo. (exemption granted if said tattoo was in place before 21st birthday)
7. Wear a shirt too small or a skirt too tight.
8. Be afraid to speak your mind.
9. Complain all the time.
10. Be too muscular. (6 packs are acceptable if the booty is still intact.)
11. Ignore your kids.
12. Have no sense of humor.
13. Have standards for your mate that you are not willing to hold yourself up to.
14. Be bisexual (exemption granted if said bisexuality occurred during an experimental phase in college.)
15. Know the words to any Lil Wayne, DipSet, or chopped and screwed song that appears only on a mixtape.
16.Have no lips
17. Talk too loudly and/or too ignorantly.
18.Talk about sex too early in our interaction. (exemption granted if I bring it up, which won't happen or if alcohol is involved.)
19.Call me more than 3 times before I call you back.
20. Be normal.

Any questions? Some of these are real things that have happened, others are just made up.