Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Questions...

I'm gonna start answering the questions today, but this is only part one. I got a gazillion more to go, but I'm still in the market for more. If you still have questions, go head and post them, and I'll answer those too.

Pserendipity asked...

1. If you had the money to buy any kind of car you wanted, what would you buy?

I'm not really a car guy, but I think I would go with the Audi R8 from that Super Bowl Commercial.

2. What's your participation in the "Green" movement?

Green? Umm I'm not on that weed anymore. I gave that up on April 24th, 1999. Oh, you are talking about some Al Gore stuff... Umm, yeah. I'm a energy waster. I take extremely long showers, I sleep with the TV on, I drive around aimlessly wasting gas. I'm the anti green; I'm red. Wait, I do recycle...every once in awhile...when I don't forget...Does reusing a plastic milk jug for water count? No? Yeah, I didn't think so....

3. On a woman: nails/toes done or hair done?

Anybody who reads my blog should know that I have a thing for hair. I always have to explain this though. I don't care if its long, short, kinky, wavy, straight, curly, permed, natural, locked, blown out...I can't think of any more adjectives right now. What I love is when it looks good, regardless of style. I think because I say I like hair, people think that I have an unrealistic expectation that it be done all the time. That's so not what I'm saying. But if we are going out, is it too much to ask that you put the same effort into your hair, as you do your outfit? If we chilling at home, or going grocery shopping, I don't care if your hair isn't done. I'm not that superficial. Also, headwraps are sexy on the right woman. Just thought I would add that to the mix.

Monie asked...

1) What would you name your son? What would you name your daughter?

My son would be Christopher Nasir We.ldo.n - You know after Biggie and Nas. I'm sure my wife would have something to say about that. As much as I love the sound of my own name (and again, doesn't it feel good in your mouth. LOL) I'm not looking to have a Rashan Jr. I want my son to have a name that people don't constantly misspell or mispronounce. I'm aware that I'm punking out on the whole ethnic name thing... and yet...

My daughter... Aaliyah Imani We.ldo.n - Yes, I'm aware that is an ethnic name. I'm nothing if not contradictory.

I'm mad good at picking out baby names. People steal my names all the time. For example, my sister stole Tarik from me for her son. My first born was supposed to be name Khalil Tarik. This was many, many barren years ago. LOL

2) You hit the lottery. What do you do with the money?

House away from everybody. Loft in Downtown Atlanta (not to be confused with midtown) 2 cars (one luxury-ish like a Jaguar, and one old school Chevy fixed up.) Whatever my moms wants, and diversify my portfolio.

3) If you could smack the shit out of one blogger, who would it be and why?

Oh, you really want me to answer this one? I would smack the shit outta (answer redacted.) He/she just gets on my effing nerves. I hate how he/she posts bullshit and gets like 50 people to comment. I'm not even being a hater. I don't mind you getting comments if your posts are on point and you actually, I don't know, write something original. But the rehashing of stuff that people already know just so they will say, "hey, I can relate" and the constant sexual pandering gets on my nerves. What makes it worse is that some bloggers that I really like and respect visit this bloggers page on a regular basis and I just don't get the appeal of him/her. It's mind boggling to me. Any guesses who I'm talking about? Monie, if you really need to know this one, I'll hit you up on the email. But isn't it more fun guessing? LOL

4) You have to cook dinner for me. What do you cook to impress me?

You really don't want me to cook for you. I'm heavy handed with the spices...either that or I don't use enough. I haven't quite mastered the just right. That being said, I think (and keep in mind that I don't know what you eat) that I would try something that is not in my normal repetoire, but I have tried before. So here goes.

Cornish Hens, Mashed Sweet Potatoes, Asparagus spears. And for dessert...something fruity and light. I can't find the recipe online, but I once made this dessert with pears and whipped cream (there was other stuff too, but I can't remember) that my date enjoyed. I know nothing about wine, so I'll have to research that, but an after dinner Grand Marnier always hits the spot.

5) What is the best prank you have ever pulled on someone?

Okay, so I was dating this girl, or more accurately I was using her for food, shelter and my carnal pleasure. She liked me way more than I liked her. If you remember the story about the girl that buried chicken bones in my yard trying to put the root on me... This was her. Okay, so yeah, she used to always ask me to marry her. I would be like no, I don't like you like that. Finally, I got tired of hearing her propose so I told her that I was already married to Lisa, the college girlfriend from yesterday's story. The lie was spur of the moment, but it came out so elaborate and well thought out, that I would have believed me. The story was that Lisa and I got married on Valentines Day one year across the river in South Carolina. We kept the wedding a secret because we both wanted to finish school first and our parents didn't approve of us getting married so young. So we eloped. I wish I could remember all of the details, but the crazy girl believed every word of it. I was going to tell her that I was just making it up, but it somehow slipped my mind. LOL! Honestly, I kept the ruse up for 3 months. Occasionally, she would ask me if Lisa and I were getting a divorce, but she never again asked me to marry her. LOL!

Dejanae asked...

ur worst sexual experience

From my perspective or hers? I don't really like to do the whole detailing sexual experiences thing on my blog, so I'll take a pass on this one.

What you would do if u were caught up with a serial killer?

Well, first of all I doubt I would ever get caught up with a serial killer because they don't usually cross racial lines. Watch as many movies about them as I do, and that's one of the first things that they say. But if for some reason, I got caught up with a serial killer, I would try to pick his brain to see why he does what he does. I always wonder, do they intend to be caught? Or is it all about some childhood trauma? Oh yeah... I would probably also die. LOL. In reality, I don't know that I completely understand the question.

The phone rings, u pick it up 5 minutes later, you start crying what did it?

At this point in my life, the only thing that would get me crying is if my grandmother died. That woman is the love of my life. She took us in when we were broke and had to move outta New York. It couldn't have been easy for her to replace her empty nest with her daughter and 3 grandkids. I never heard any complaints as we took over her home with our Nintendos, Boom Boxes, exercise bikes, and so on and so on. My grandmother is just the nicest, sweetest, most caring woman I know. I could really do an entire post just talking about how much she means to me, but I'll stop now. That would really be the only thing that could melt my icebox of a heart at this point.

If Hillary wins the nomination, would you stay home from the polls in the general election?

As disingenious as I think she is, and as many political tricks as she pulls, I still would vote for her in the general election. The reason is quite simple. Hillary is far more in line with my political views than is McCain. I'm a Democrat and I'm not gonna NOT vote for her just because she plays dirty politics. If we do that, we might as well not vote for anybody. Politics, in my opinion, are inherently dirty. People do what they have to do to win. If there's a chance that something can get accomplished, then I have to get past this primary and give her my support. People always talk about character, but I'm a cynic when it comes to people's intentions. I think everybody lies, I think everybody looks out for number 1, and I think that is okay. I may not like her as a person, but it will not prevent me from voting for Hillary if the other choice is McCain. And no, I wont be doing any write in votes that lessen the chances of a Democrat getting the office. My vote is not just to make a statement, I would actually like to see results.

What site do you visit the most?

The most? I'm always on my site, refreshing the page, checking for new comments, cyber stalking via my site meter. At home and at work. Other than my site, I would say the Yahoo home page. I check out the news and sports all the time too.

If you could change your name, what would it be?

This is a tough one. I love my name. Say it with me... Rashan Jamal... I used to go by T. Casanova on my old blog. I feel like I should re explain that one. I don't think I'm a Casanova by any means. The name was derived back in 1983 I think it was. I had seen the movie Beat Street, which features a graffiti artist by the name of Ramo. He would tag his name on walls, subways and stuff. As a burgeoning hip hop head, I thought that was the freshest thing out there. I decided that I wanted to become a graffitti artist too. So I made up a b boy name: It was Terrance Casanova. It had nothing to do with the legendary lover, it was just some ish that I thought sounded dope. I never did get around to spray painting anything. I was too scared, but I kept that pseudonym for the last 25 years. Somehow down the line, T. Casanova became more than a fake name, it became my alter ego. T. Casanova was my outgoing side, the one that actually talks to people and forces me to get out the house. When I started blogging, I just knew that I didn't want to use my real name, so I went to the old stand by. I was T. Casanova. Later shortened to T. Cas. My yahoo email probably still says Terrance Casanova, so if you see an email from him, he is I and I am him.

I see you Ladynay and I'm gonna answer your many, many questions, but I'll do that tomorrow

Nexgrl asked:

Would you ever consider moving back to NYC, now that you are all grown up?

Let me first clarify that I never lived in NYC. I lived in Spring Valley, New York. I don't want Diva calling me out about not really being from NY. It wasn't quite the city, but it still counts as New York, no matter what Diva says. By the way, how's Jersey? LOL. As far as living in the Big Apple, I would want to do it for only a limited time. I wouldn't want to raise kids there, but I'd could see myself having one last hurrah in the Rotten Apple before I get too old. The only thing is I would want the television version of New York. You know, the walks in Central Park and the city inspiring me to write and the brownstones and all of the fake stuff that doesn't involve paying hellacious rent for a small ass crib. I think what I'm trying to say is that I'm not paid enough to live in New York and I don't like to struggle, so I'll probably never do it.

Okay, now I am finally sleepy, so I'll get back to the answers tomorrow. Remember if you got more questions, just let me know. One!