Thursday, February 28, 2008


Rantings of an insomniac. Every Thursday morning without fail, I can't sleep. I don't know what it is. I apologize in advance about the meandering tone of this post. I went for a drive to clear my head. That song Hy.pothet.ically by Lyf.e J.ennings and Fa.nta.sia was on the radio. It stuck in my head and I wrote a post about it. Like to hear it? Here it go...

Hypothetically... lets say I knew a big fat honking secret that if I told everyone would upset the balance of the blogiverse. What if I knew things that would embarrass the hell out of people? Or what if I was the one in question? What if, hypothetically speaking of course, much of what I wrote about on the blog was a lie. For instance, what if I really wasn't as anti social as I portray myself to be. What if I really went out far more than I wrote about? Or for hypothetical purposes, I actually had a wife and kids that I never mentioned. Or, for arguments sake, I actually had major conversations with a fellow blogger that I didn't tell you about, even though my stated philosophy is that everyone on the internet is crazy? What if there was no PHD or the blind date was a ruse to get you interested in my life. What if all the stories about work stalkers, and MySpace stalkers, and various and sundry stalkers were just figments of an overactive imagination? What if these stalkers were real, but I actually was the one leading them on? What if half the crazy things that I say happen to me, actually are stories that rightfully belong to another? What if in all actuality, I was less abnormal than I seem, and more conformist than I let on? What if I really wasn't an insomniac? What if I really didn't live in Atlanta, but actually reside in the sticks of Alabama or something. What if the voice I used on my utterz that sounds so patently New York, was actually fake? What if I didn't really have horrible luck with cars, or didn't take every opportunity present to make a sarcastic comment? What if I was just a regular joe with a regular life with regular experiences who decided to embellish to gain readership? What if the spots I frequent with regularity, were in fact pipe dreams or places I wish I could go? What if I was blogging from the jail library because I was doing 3-5 for embezzlement in a federal prison? What if all the pictures I post on a semi regular basis were actually photoshoppped from some exceedingly handsome guy on MySpace. What if I really liked T.Pain, Lil Wayne, Jim Jones and all other wack artists I denigrate on a daily basis? Hell, what if my name wasn't really Rashan? What if my real name was Michael Williams III? What if I actually didn't have writers block and thus decided to write a crazy rambling hypothetical post? What if the start and the end of the post actually were about the same thing?

Would you want to know the truth? They say the truth hurts, yet they also say it sets you free. Are any of these hypotheticals true? One, maybe two are... why don't you try to guess which ones they are? I ain't telling... this was all hypothetical of course.