Thursday, February 21, 2008

Out The Blue

*10 Minute Voice Post Below* (it doesn't feel like 10 minutes. LOL)

You remember PHD? If not, then check the links on the sidebar. Never mind, I'll just recap. Last summer and fall, we were dating, nothing serious at all, but on a fairly regular basis. I kept telling y'all that it was not a relationship, but some people, *ahem Diva ahem* got way too excited about it. Anyway, we kinda lost touch for a minute sometime after the Stevie W.onder concert. The calls came more infrequently, and the dates just totally dried up. After a while, I got tired of hearing that she was catching up on school work, even though I believed her. I'm not good at the whole chasing someone who doesn't want to be caught thing, so I stopped trying. I just told her to get at me when she had time. Fast forward to yesterday, guess who calls me all out the blue. That's right, PHD. She called to invite me to go see the A.iley Da.nce Thea.ter joint when it comes to Atlanta. It was weird to me. The last time I talked to her was on my birthday in November, although we did have a few text message conversations around Christmas.

I called her back on break at work, and we did a little catching up. She's about to start her internship (she's obviously getting her PHD which you can tell from her blog name) and finds out Monday where she will be going. She did a bunch of interviews over the last few months and probably will be moving to Texas. She asked about my sister, whom she briefly met, told me about her family and stuff. It was a cool, normal conversation. From what I gathered, I guess she is not as swamped with school right now and wanted to reconnect. Like I said, she wanted to take me to this joint to make up for missing my birthday. We'll see what happens. I like culture, but hate dancing so I'm not sure. LOL.

I didn't really think too much about it, except for my initial reaction of "how you gonna call me 3 months later?" But then I was chatting with Opinionated Diva on the work IM and she made me overanalyze the situation. I was perfectly content to just think that PHD really was busy with school, but now I'm not too sure. I was perfectly content to just think that she didn't like me anymore, but now after this call I don't know what's up. I was perfectly content not worrying about it, but now I am curious to know. The mature thing would probably be to just ask PHD about it, but when have I ever done the mature thing? LOL. I'd rather ask a bunch of anonymous people that read my blog what they think? How 'bout it? Isn't it strange to call someone out the blue and act like no time has passed? Can it be just as simple as being busy with school... for three months? Diva, go ahead and post your conspiracy theories too, even though I already read them. LOL!