Tuesday, December 4, 2007


That's what I feel like today. I woke up this morning and couldn't move right. I was walking very geriatrically to the bathroom. I looked like Fred Sanford or something. I got mad aches and pains, and I feel like I do when I have a fever, but I don't have one. The only time I felt right was when I was taking my 30 minute shower (sorry, drought I had to do it.) As soon as I got out, I was right back to being an old man walking.

To make it worse, I had to go to work today since my manager is gone all week at a management training session and the team would be lost without me. That's not being cocky, that's just being real. I'm gonna try to make it through and knowing me, I'll feel much better tomorrow. But I am really dreading walking up these steps today. I already feel light headed, I hope I don't fall out at work, that would suck. LOL

If you can't tell, I'm a big huge giant baby when I'm sick. Please heaps loads of sympathy upon my aching back and shoulders. LOL