Friday, December 14, 2007

Crazy Morning

I got my tickets to see Ji.ll and Rahee.m DeVau.ghn at the Fo.x Thea.tre in February. That's the end of the story. Of course since its me, it couldn't be easy. Let me take you back a few hours...

I got the email yesterday telling me that tickets went on sale today at 10AM. Cool, I knew I would be sleep and that I had to wake up before the scalpers bought up all the tickets. So at 5:30 AM when I was preparing to go to sleep, I set my alarm for 9:53 to give me enough time to wake up and then go to the website to get my tix. I also bookmarked the page so I wouldn't have to go through all the searching and stuff. I was ready. I went to sleep and everything was all good.

9:53 AM - My alarm goes off. I walk over to my computer and plop down in the chair. I left it on last night. I pulled the internet and.... "this page cannot be displayed." WTF??? Let me try this again. Still no internet.. It's now 9:57. I have cable internet so I try to tighten all the wires and restart the cable modem, but nothing. Its now 10:01. Shit... I'm not trying to pay scalper prices. It's hopeless, this damn internet never goes out, but today the one time I actually made plans dependent on it, I have no service. Aaargh!!!!

Okay, I'm not in any position to be leaving the house. I have sleep in my eyes, probably dried drool and I'm wearing yesterday's work pants that I fell asleep in and are now extra wrinkled. Sure, I could throw on some jeans and head to Pu.b.lix and buy my tickets there, but I have a phobia about going out in public looking like crap. I just know that would be the day when I meet my potential wife and she won't give me a second glance. Anyway, I called my sister and told her what was up and she offered to stop by P.ub.lix and get me the tickets. Phew!!! I thought, but its now 10:15 and I wonder if there will still be tickets left. I sat nervously at my computer cursing it out, even though I should have been cursing out Com.cast. (I just got the internet back at 3 PM). About 15 minutes later, I got the call. They still have tickets. "Is the Orchestra okay? Hell Yeah! Get those for me, I'll pay you back this afternoon."

So long story short. I got my tickets, my sister rocks, and Com.cast sux!!! Now I have two months to find a date. LOL