Friday, December 21, 2007

Seriously? Part Deux

More random thoughts and crazy occurrences... Seriously??? I did it before, and I'll probably do it again...

Seriously??? A Chia pet??? I buy a DVD, someone else buys a CD, another one buys a rice cooker and you come through with a Chia pet. Come on, dawg!!! Who the hell wants a Chia pet? I don't care if it's Shrek, it's still a fuckin' Chia pet. Matter of fact, where does one get a Chia pet from anyway?

Seriously??? You just gonna cock block me for real? Are you doing this intentionally or are you just that dense? I don't need your participation in this conversation.

Seriously??? You don't think you are crazy? I'm gonna need you to examine your need for attention and instant acknowledgement. That impatience ain't exactly normal.

Seriously??? How many times are you gonna say sorry in this conversation? You just said sorry 6 times in the last 30 seconds. Seriously??? Who messed you up like that? Why are you scared to speak your mind?

Seriously??? You are gonna grunt "Merry Christmas" after every grocery bag you fill? That is beyond creepy. Matter of fact, just move over. I'll bag my own groceries. I'm a little scared of you. You are like the Sling Blade of Christmas cheer.

Seriously??? You wanna have a crazy mate contest with me? Awww, youngster! You don't know who you dealing with. I got 13 years on you. I have years of experience of crazy and inappropriate females. You will not win this one.

Seriously??? You get mad about that? Cuz I wanted to get off the phone? I could have made up an excuse, but I thought you would appreciate the honesty. After all that we've been through, that's the tipping point? Not all the stuff you did, or all the other smart comments I made, but me saying I want to do something off the phone? I don't understand that, but if that's how you feel, I respect that.

Seriously??? I'm supposed to chase you down? I'm sorry, but I'm the chasee, not the chaser. I know you are prettier than I am, but that's not gonna happen. We mad grown, and the games are for kids. Come at me real or don't come at me at all.

Seriously??? You are giving me a choice between going to Taboo 2 and a strip club? I can't think of one scenario that doesn't end with a table dance. Let's see, I can go hang out with the "grown and sexy, Stacy Adams, old man in the club" crowd or I can see naked women. That's not such a hard choice for me.

Seriously??? You gave speeches to Congress and worked with Jesse Jackson, but you can't talk to us? What are you looking at on the floor? Why are you tripping over your words? That's not exactly awe inspiring leadership there.

Seriously??? You just gonna plan out my whole weekend for me? I have to? The hell you say. I don't have to do shit but be Black and die. That's how you ask me? We've known each other too long for you to think that I would respond the way you want me to.

Seriously??? I'm on vacation and you think I'm gonna show my face in the office to decorate for the holiday? You think that's my idea of fun? Not so much. We can do this when I'm here, but I'll be damned if I drive 35 minutes to put up some Christmas lights. You gonna have to hold that down without me.

Seriously??? You just gonna keep posting everyday? You're just trying to make me look bad, aren't you. I already acknowledged that you won! Take a day off. LOL I'm only kidding, Jameil.

Seriously??? You expect me to believe that bullshit story? You ought to be ashamed of yourself. When so many people are really struggling, you take advantage of peoples kindness. I can only hope that Karma comes to bite you in the ass sooner rather than later. You damn parasite!!!

Seriously??? A hug? Why would I want to hug you? Like Prince said "I can't have a hug unless I have a kiss." And I can't do that. You sit way too close to me, and when it goes bad, which of course it will, I don't wanna have no beef at work. I will admit that I'm intrigued, but that's as far as it will go. So, sorry. I'm gonna have to give you the side hug, and not the full body hug. That's just a little too dangerous right now.

Seriously??? How many seriouslys are you gonna write? You act like people have nothing better to do than to read your random thoughts. This post is getting way too long, so seriously, cut it short, man. People have other blogs to visit, work to do, etc. Just stop already.