Love Sucks
You know what? Love sucks. Let me just say right now that no, I'm not in love now. That's not what this post is about. I just was thinking about it. Too many people I know are going through drama in the name of love. Marraiges deteriorating. Relationships doomed. Fathers not being there for their kids. Cuz when the love goes wrong, everything else goes out the window.
Why is it that people that supposedly love each other are so hurtful to one another? How is that you love that woman, but you are cheating on her with every random chick that'll let you? Or if you love that man, then why are you entertaining thoughts of the next man? Or if you really love your children, then why do you either stop the father from seeing the child, or not make an effort to see your kids? That ain't love!
It's enough to make a man jaded and sour on the concept of love and marraige. But not me. I choose to wear my rose colored glasses and maintain my blind faith that things will be different for me. I can't live any other way. If there is no hope, than what's the point? True, I'm mad old now to have no wife and/or kids, but I won't adopt a defeatist attitude. Somewhere out there, there's someone that's made for me. If not, then I'll just be that old cat up in the club, trying to pull young nubile chicks with my wad of money. LOL I'm kidding about that of course. No matter how much love may suck, I'm still down for it.