Thursday Thirteen
I stole this from Jameil because I wasn't feeling like being original today. But you know I wouldn't be me if I didn't put a twist on things... Allow me to present, Thursday Thirteen: The Many Faces of Rashan Jamal (All pictures are simulated. Don't try this at home)
1. "Rashan last night from 12 - 6:30 AM" face
2. "The Come Here Girl!!! Rashan" Face (also known as "Bathe her and bring her to me" face.)
3. "The Smirk tm.. By Rashan" face.
4. "Rashan reacting to a crazy email from Jameil" face.
5. "Rashan is mad sleepy" face
6. "Rashan being pensive" face.
7. "Rashan after a few dranks" face.
8. "Umgawa Black Power" Rashan face.
9. The "Did you really just say that to me blank expression" face.
10. The "Don't make me won't like me when I'm angry" Rashan face
11. The "Happy, but don't get used to me smiling all big cuz I'm nobody's coon" Rashan face.
12. "Rashan with bloggers block... so he resorts to posting pictures" face.
13. And finally... "The I'm RAH-SOME!!!" face.
I dare anybody reading to do this... you know, that's if you have the cajones..LMAO!!! Aiight, y'all I'm out! One!!!