Wednesday, June 11, 2008

G.ood Luc.k


Hey ladies! Missing something in your life? Need a little bambino to make your life complete? Or maybe you already have one, but just want another one? Come see Rashan. He can help you out with that. No, he won't be the one to impregnate you. But immediately after you deal with him, you will find yourself knocked up, withchild, in the family way. That next dude you sleep with after you date Rashan will be able to guide his swimmers up your fallopian tubes to fertilize your eggs. In no time, you will have that little bundle of joy you so want.

Okay, enough being silly, but this is some true stuff. I don't know what it's about, but the last 3 ladies I've dealt with have found themselves pregnant with their next partner. It's crazy. Today, I got a text message confirming this phenomenon. She ended her celibacy streak and found herself pregnant. I'm mad happy for her, cuz I know she wanted a kid, but its just strange that this keeps happening. I mean, I want a kid. Somebody wanna get pregnant for me? Wait, don't answer that. I'm not to that point where I'm ready to solicit for random baby mama's yet. I still have a sliver of hope that I'll get a wife first. I should be proud that I'm as old as I am, and don't have any bastard children running around. But for real? I'm like that movie Goo.d C.huck, except instead of bring marriage, I bring babies.

I should find a way to market this talent. I should just hang out at the fertility clinics and hook up with desperate wanna be mothers. It's a win-win situation. I get the carnal pleasure, and they get the kid they want. I could save them lots of money on in vitro and stuff. Maybe I'll take out an ad on Crai.g's That has to be worth some money. Yo!! Imagine the number of women I can help trap N.BA players or rappers. Hang out with me for awhile, then go to your baller and next thing you know, you can give birth to a check. 18 years of child support and alimony/palimony. I mean, its just my civic duty to help them out, right?

Before anybody gets upset with me. I'm joking. I wouldn't do anything like that. Contrary to some people's beliefs, I'm not a manwhore. I only use my super powers for good, not evil. I'm like Sp.ider-ma.n, yo! Action is my reward. LOL