Friday, November 30, 2007

In Love With Myself (3rd Post)

I gotta admit that I'm in love with myself. I have a very high view of Rashan. Some might call it cocky or arrogant. I don't deny that. That's not all I am, but it's part of who I am. The thing about it, I don't care. I'm not interested in apologizing for liking me. That's how it's supposed to be, right? If I don't like me, then who will?

But every now and then, I have to check myself. I have to pull the reigns on my ego and say "wow, that was arrogant even for you, Rashan." Yes, I talk to myself and I use the third person when I have those conversations. And yes, sometimes those self conversations are out loud. And yes, sometimes I like talking to myself better than talking to other people. That doesn't make me self-centered does it? Oh, it does? Oh,well. I'll be that.

The strange thing about it is by recognizing my own tendency for self absorption, I make me like myself even more. How, you ask? Check it out: Some people go through life being selfish, but don't realize it. I, on the other hand, recognize my shortcomings, so that makes me better than them. LOL. I know that's crazy Rashan logic, but it is what it is. Perhaps, I'm just a little sleepy right now, and shouldn't be posting my inner most thoughts. Probably, I'll wake up in the early afternoon and wonder what the hell I was thinking by sharing this. More than likely, I'll have one or two comments telling me how crazy I am. At least I hope so. Cuz that would mean that Rashan was right again. And Rashan loves being right.

It's funny how sleep deprivation mimics drunkenness. I haven't had a drop tonight, but you wouldn't know it from reading this rambling. I'm off to sleep for 10 hours. Somebody wake me up when its happy hour.