Monday, January 14, 2008


I literally have started 6 posts this morning, but nothing has stuck. I don't have anything to talk about and I'm feeling about as creative as Diddy right now. (You know he just takes whoever's style is popular and jacks it.) Anyway, the purpose of the post is to tell you that hopefully by the time I go to work, I will have thought of something to write. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Somebody challenge me or say something controversial for me to respond to. Just give me something to write about. I need that to get my blog game back tight so I can stay in Jameil's top 10! I guess I should have saved one of those 3 posts on Friday, but how was I to know I would run out of stuff to say? Check back around 4:30 and I should have a real post up. I'm going to sleep now, hopefully my brain will provide me with some inspiration during the REM stage. ONE!