Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Channel 32

I thought alcohol was supposed to be a depressant, some one tell me why I am still awake? See, I drank mojitos and champagne yesterday. You would think that I would be a little sleepy, but I'm not. Yesterday, I hung out with some friends watching the Ge.orgia Bul.ldogs stomp on that overrated football team from Hawaii. By halftime the game was pretty much over, and I took that as an opportunity to have my first drink(s) of the New Year. I kept it light, with the aforementioned mojitos, and some left over champagne that didnt get popped the night before. I had a good time hanging out. We talked shit as always, and played some Playsta.tion. But mostly, I sipped on some drinks that would not get me drunk.

On the way home several hours later, the wind was blowing hard and it started snowing. Snow used to excite me when I was younger, but now all I think of when I see the white stuff is how long its gonna take me to get to work if it continues. If there is any snow of consequence in Atlanta, the city will shut down. If there is moderate snow then everything stays open, but people lose their minds. They just don't know how to drive in the stuff. Not saying I'm an expert by any means, but I do have enough common sense to drive slow when the conditions dictate it. Luckily, this snowfall was more like a flurry and as of 8 this morning, I'm happy to say that nothing stuck.

That made me think of this past weekend. I was in Savannah and the temperature was 71 degrees... in December! Now, my hatred of Savannah has been well documented, but I could deal with some of that weather right now. Do you think it would be feasible for me to live down there during the winter months? The current temperature here is 21 degrees with a windchill of 8. Man, that's cold. I am not equipped for this weather anymore. 5 years ago, it would be no problem. I would go outside with a light jacket, but I'm old now and my body doesn't adapt well to the cold. In addition to the general cold feeling, I also get mad dry and ashy when the temperature dips and this extra dry moisturizing natural oatmeal lotion is not cutting it. It's like I put the lotion on, and then 5 minutes later, my hands are dry again. Its annoying.

As I'm still up, (I just watched 5 straight hours of Entou.rage and have 5 more to go to catch up.) I checked the local news and saw that the high is gonna be 37 and the low 15. That just doesn't work for me. I have the heat on, and still am wearing a fleece hoodie just to stay warm. I'm about to go old school and stand in front of the oven. At least the snow flurries have stopped and I shouldn't have any problem dealing with weather related traffic later this afternoon on the way to work. Aiight, gotta go get some more lotion now, holla at you later.

Oh yeah, channel 32 is the Weat.her Chan.nel.