Friday, January 11, 2008

You Talking To Me?

You gotta read this shit, yo! Go read it, and then come back. I'll wait....

Eb the Celeb decided to call out the male bloggers. I wouldn't be me if I didn't respond. Yes, I know I have already posted twice today, but you know what? This requires a response.

Let me first say this. If it sounds like I'm getting snippy with her, that's not my intention. Sometimes my sarcasm doesn't come across well unless you actually hear me. But this is all in good fun.

First of all, I need to not be lumped in with other dudes. Rashan is an original, for better or for worse and much of what Eb was writing about doesn't apply to me. I've never used my blog to detail my sexual exploits, even when I had some. LOL. I think it was Jameil that called herself the blog prude, but when it comes to sex that's me. I can only think of once or twice (out of 380 some odd posts) that I've even talked about sex on either one of my blogs, and that was always in past tense (aside from when I was doing tags that required that kind of talk.) And to be sure, you have never heard me talk about size or performance. That just ain't me, and I think that's part of the reason I don't really hang with guys. The locker room talk played out in high school for me at least. What's done in the dark is my business, and I don't talk about that with y'all.

Then Eb talked about how we seem perfect on the blog. Like we are all the take her out and wine and dine her types. Let's run that back. I've been blogging for 2 years, and I can't recall ever writing about doing that kind of stuff. I mean I might have done it once or twice, but I haven't written about it. At least not in detail. Again, that part of my life is private. All you get is some cursory delineations, not the full unabridged version. I don't pretend to be Mr. Romance or advertise any romantic inclinations to make the ladies happy. In fact, its more like the opposite. I come off as more of a lame than a Casanova.

She says we (male bloggers) put ourselves on a pedestal with our posts, and wants us to write about our flaws. I think, again, this doesn't apply to me. I'm all about telling you the good, the bad and the ugly. I don't hold back just because it'll make me look bad. In fact, some of my favorite posts are the ones where I just come extra real and talk about my dirt. I think I'm very honest about my flaws. Blog Rashan is very much like real life Rashan. He thinks he is the shit, but understands that not everyone holds that same opinion, and he is okay with that. I don't try to make myself seem a certain way to make the ladies swoon. In fact, some of the characteristics I display on the blog are enough to turn people off. But that's real life. I know I'm not perfect, and don't try to be.

So, Eb the Celeb I feel where you are coming from, but you ain't talking about me. I have never been one to tell anyone what they want to hear, unless I believe it. A perfect example was on that post about the lying guy on your blog. I could have said, dude is dead wrong for that, but instead I told you the real. I lack the placating gene. That might answer one of your other questions about why I'm still single and haven't been snatched up yet. LOL. And really, the freaks of nature that I meet are all real. I couldn't make this shit up. LOL. Perhaps, the poetry spitting brothers in the blogosphere cater to the women, but me?? I keeps it realer than most (I know you feelin' it- Jay-Z "Feelin' It" 1996) Most of my readers are women, but that's not at all because I say what I think they want to hear. Its just because there are far more women bloggers than males, and males are extremely territorial when it comes to this blog thing. I wrote about this... way back when. You ask if I'm really as good as I seem. The answer to that is an unequivocal yes, if in fact I seem good. I don't know about good or bad, Rashan is just Rashan, nah mean?

Now I open this up to the readers: Do you think I write to pander to the ladies? Do you think I try to portray myself in only a positive light? Do you think Eb was talking to me? I know what I think, but its always interesting to see what other people think of you. Discuss!