Monday, January 28, 2008

It Is What It Is!

If any of you are (un)lucky enough to hold a conversation with me, you'll notice a few things about me. #1. I'm stubborn. #2 I have a tendency to quote random rap lyrics and/or movie quotes to punctuate my point and #3 One of my favorite phrases is "it is what it is." That's my go to phrase when I'm tired of belaboring a point or if I don't care to expound any further. That's my way of shutting things down. People hate it, not so much because of the phrase itself, although that's enough to drive them batty. But mostly because they know that "it is what it is" signifies the end of my participation in the conversations. Sure, they will try to keep it going, but once I reach that juncture, they might as well be talking to themselves.

For such a simple combination of words, "it is what it is" works in so many different circumstances. You want to convince me to change my mind... it is what it is. You think I'm being unreasonable... it is what it is. I should express my feelings more... it is what it is. I know that it doesn't really mean anything, other than stating the obvious, but that's how I often feel. Once I get a thought stuck in my head, my stubbornness is legendary. It's damn near impossible to change my mind. Someone asked me tonight if there was anything she could do to change my mind. My answer was a resounding NO! Right or wrong, when my mind is made up, it's a wrap. I don't waver unless I convince myself that I was mistaken. Nothing you say is gonna make me vacillate. You think that's wrong? Oh well, it is what it is.

Why am I like that? Why do I always feel that my point of view is the right one? I'm not sure I have an answer for that query? It just is what it is. I know that's not the best way to win friends and influence people, but it works for me now. Maybe one day, I'll learn the fine art of compromise, but until then I'll just continue to piss people off by uttering that most annoying of phrases: it is what it is, yo! You either hate it or love it. I can't control what other people think any more than they can shape my ideas. Everyone is different. I've come to accept and embrace that each persons individuality makes the world go round. Maybe that leads to conflict at times, but you know what? It is what it is!