Thursday, January 31, 2008

None and Void

That's where my brain is right now. I heard a co worker say that today. I wanted to correct it, but then I remembered that people dont like to be wrong, so I let it go. Anyway, I sat at my computer early this morning and had nothing come out of my fingertips. So, I wrote nothing. I don't know why I feel guilty about it, I mean 30 posts in 31 days is nothing to sneeze at. I know I ain't exactly Jameil with her prolific self, but that's still good, aint it?

Since I have exactly nothing really to talk about, I guess I can just update you on some stuff. I talked to blind date girl for like 5 minutes this afternoon. We didn't really shore anything up, but we are gonna try to get together on Saturday. I'm still scared. Her voice was kinda...rough. Sure it could just be that she was tired after work, but she sounded like she been beat down. I know I'm gonna look back at this and see how wrong I was, but thats where my brain is now, so I'll put it out there.

The stalker situation is getting out of control. Long rambling emails, late night text messages, early morning phone calls. Asking me all kinda personal stuff on the work IM. I'm trying my best to be nice about it and just ignore her, but my inner asshole is dying to take over. I need to change my number, but I've had it for 7 years. I don't wanna learn another one. Do you know that I don't know anybody's phone number? If I ever lost my phone, I would just be lost. I don't even know my sister's phone number.

Anyway, since I am at work, I should probably do some. I have a 3 day weekend, (I had to take off for the Bo.wl) coming up, so I just have to make it through these last 5 hours. Wish me luck. Hopefully I'll have something better to talk about tomorrow.